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About us
Who are we?
Regis Marine Offshore Services Pte Ltd was founded in 2012, is rapidly establishing itself in the Marine and Oil & Gas industry. From being primarily a Trading & Servicing business to being a widely know and preferred Distributor today. With our extensive network in the regions, and global business partners, we are able to reach out to a global market both efficiently & effectively.
Our Products
Products we provide
Delicate the
best to you
Load Testing
Test bed with conforming attachments. One stop certification & recertification catered for Ministry of Manpower and members of IACS
Non Destructive Testing, Ultrasonic thickness measurement, Radiography, Liquid dye penetrant and Ultrasonic Testing, Eddy Current Service, Magnetic Particle Inspection
Design, Calculation & Fabrication
General Engineering Calculation and Analysis with Third Party endorsement
Tiger Authorized
Regis Marine Offshore Pte Ltd is proud to announce that we are the first and only authorised for Tiger Lifting in South East Asia.
Our Location
Areas We Serve